Wednesday, 14 November 2012

First painted signal

First painted signal

N scale (1:150) Greenmax ABS
N scale (1:150) Greenmax ABS

Next attempt:  I will try to tie the POF fibres more closely to the ladder.
The POF (plastic optical fiber) PMMA is 0.25mm in diameter (like human hair).
The four strands go through the base of the layout to LEDs mounted under
the base board.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Analogue signal driver (design proposal)

Proposed design of inexpensive signal driver.
Schematic diagram of signal driver for small layout
Why ? Costly in cash and time, signal TTL logic circuits and detector wiring etc etc
was a major factor in choosing my design. Designing full circuits for MY layout would
have taken months. This design is a compromise. Modelling is about "Suspending Dis-belief." 
And same with signalling, if my layout has twenty four twinkling signal lights and I am ask to
stop at a red which then changes to double yellow – all is good.

What ? The materials list should be obtainable from a local electrical/hobby shop.
Terminal blocks to join wires to LED lamps and contacts. Cog gears to turn the drum
(a metal can of sweet corn). Uses layout 12V DC power supply. POF - polymer optic fiber,
an inexpensive light transmission to the scale signal head. $1.00 high luminosity LED diodes
are becoming more available. A inexpensive 3V motor with gear reduction is available
from Tamiya

How ? The main feature of the design, is the drum. The drum pattern revolves under
the row of contacts. Sticky cloth tape will give open circuit and bare metal section
will close the circuit. This action generates a sequence of signals. One revolution
should be approx. 30 seconds. (scale time = 5 min). The drum box will have six
terminal blocks connected to a row of contacts (see 8 tag strip in image below). A
4-aspect and 3-aspect signal each row. This can be double to provide 24 signals by
wiring two runs to each terminal hole. Arranging the location of each signal so that
the sequence is followed will provide some realism. A 60 tooth gear will be fixed to
the drum and 12 tooth gear will be driven by the low speed motor at a final two rpm.
Note that the 3aspect signal pattern on the drum does not need to have the same
start point as the 4aspect. I have only drawn it that way for clarity. Regarding the wiring
of the LEDs, you will need to insert resistor for each LED depending on its volt drop.
My diagram uses a common resistor for all but not practical.

Downsides ? The gears may be noisey. (foam box cover may help) The sticky tape
may wear off. Contacts to and from drum may get dirty.
Credit for POF idea :-

Future mini-project will be a digital option based on this mechanical design. More 1980s than 1880s.
Using cyclic 7555 CMOS timer chips...

Monday, 1 October 2012

Track drawing (full-size)

The CAD drawing was printed to a A3 sheet.  I marked a grid on the copy and then enlarged 200% then
184% onto 20 x A3 sheets.  Glued together into 2000mm full-size map.  I placed it here on the foam.

Rolling-stock so far

Bandai B-Shorty was chosen.  (cost, tight-curves, short
leads on the zig-zag tracks)

Tomix and Kato also offer light-rail vehicles which can be
doubled on a small layout.

The layout is a mix of rural and metro railway activity.

Commenced construction:  April, 2012.

Completed diorama unit

The signage (top-centre) is a like a destination / service
board and like a roll sign.
The blue curtain hide the storage shelf and power supply.
The backdrop image consists of ten A3 laser colour prints.
They were placed on a 3 meter roll of clear book cover with
adhesive backing.  Other backdrops will be printed and hung
on top of this map backdrop.

The Tokyo metro map was sourced here... (Anthony Mangonon)

English (10.9 MB):

Japanese 日本語版 (6.6 MB):

The detail of the end loops.  The main line runs to the back
behind the scenery foam.  The visible portion of the trackwork
will be elevated at the rear.

Top cover

The fluoro modules and downlights provide mix of lighting.
The modules plug together in series of three. (240VAC)  The four LED
lights are 4 watt 3000K warm feel.  12 volt for model railroad power bus.

Backdrop infrastructure

The challenge was to place the backdrop frame close to the wall.  If the backdrop is wide
then the shelf frame will need be to further out over the steel brackets.

The corners are curved using 3mm plastic sheet like real estate signs.  Aluminium bar is for strength.

Friday, 28 September 2012

First photo of shelf layout

Steel brackets, frame and 8mm ply benchwork with 25mm builders foam.

Track Plan in 3D

Track Plan

The track plan N scale (using SCARM CAD software)

The main line loops at each end (not shown).  The front track will be a subway.
Overall dimensions: 2000mm x 600mm ;  max. track height 100mm.